The Company
General Motors Holden (GMH) is owned by General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan. In 1914 Holden produces its first complete custom-made car body. By 1917 they commenced large-scale production of car bodies. In 1918 Holden & Frost sets up Holden's Motor Body Builders (HMBB) and by 1925 they had becomes the biggest bodybuilding operation outside North America and Continental Europe. 1926 saw General Motors Australia (GMA) created and in 1931 they merged with Holden's Motor Body Builders to become General Motors Holden. The first coupe body was made in 1934 and by 1942 they were the first Australian company to mass-produce internal combustion engines.
In 1945 GMH responds to the Australian Federal Government invitation to produce an Australian car. On 29 November 1948, an ivory colored motor car appear from behind silver curtains to the strains of a ten-piece orchestra. The car was the first Holden, destined to become Australia's first successfully mass-produced car. It was known as the FX and was a six-cylinder four-door, six-seater sedan. May 1953 saw the 100,000th Holden roll off the production line. It only took 3 more years to notch up 250,000 followed by 2 more years to reach 500,000 cars produced. 1962 saw the 1,000,000th Holden, 1969 the 2,000,000th and by 2001 they had produced 6,000,000 Holdens.
In 2005 GMH produced 152,749 vehicles and 315,670 engines.

General Motors Holden 2006 Commodore - NO you can't import one!